Hello! We have had a few inquiries about a wedding list. So, here's the skinny:
http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/registry/wedding/1ARRTI9D0IK5HThe above should take you straight to the Amazon page we set up. You shouldn't need any more information about us (we hope!).
https://www.johnlewisgiftlist.com/giftint/JSPs/GiftList/BuyGifts/GuestFindAList.jspThe John Lewis gift list number for the above is 274031. Alternatively you can input our names and the date of the wedding if you prefer. It will not be activated until the 25th of August or so and is only good until October 20th.
We hope the above are of use and please don't feel like you need to get us anything. We'll just be happy to see you on the day if you can make it.