Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chocolate Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting

I really wanted chocolate cake.  And when I saw this recipe on Kuki's Cookbook, I thought the cupcakes looked pretty.  But the recipe it kind of scared me.  It's because the idea of peanut butter frosting-raw peanut butter mixed with butter-didn't sound appealing.  But the picture looked so pretty, so I made them.  When they were done I was scared to try them.  I finally did and they tasted fine.  The chocolate cake was descent and the peanut butter frosting was good as well.

I halved the recipe and got 11 cupcakes.  I followed the recipe on the blog except I used 2% milk instead of heavy cream for the frosting.

First, I mixed the dry ingredients together.

Then mixed in an egg, the vanilla, water and oil.

Poured into the cupcake pan.

Baked at 350 degree F until done-18 minutes worked.

While the cupcakes cooled I made the frosting.  Peanut butter, butter and powdered (icing) sugar.

Mixed well then added the milk.

Then frosted the cupcakes.  There was plenty of frosting, but my version didn't look pretty.  This is about as good as it gets around here.


LaModMom said...

Oh my gosh, these are my all time favorite. I just ate the last one! I made them on Saturday for the church auction and saved some for us. Well I saved them for ME!
I hid them way back in the fridge where only I knew they were.... so I can eat one every day. Baby News, Baby News, Baby News... we are eating the same food as Mitch!

AM said...

I can't believe you blogged when you were in labor!!! Amazing!

niall and mitch said...

@lisa...I love that you made these!